Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Chalkboard Project!

Here is my finished chalkboard project on my pantry door! It was actually fairly simple to do, just a can of chalkboard paint, painters tape, and of course a paint brush. For the border I just hot glued some cute ribbon but I think i'm going to get some molding to frame it up nicely.

It has already worked out wonderfully and helping me remember what groceries I need. As I run out of somthing I just jot it down on the chalkboard and i'm good to go!

I made a smaller chalkboard lower on the door for Snuggle Bug to play with. She is still a bit too young to really get the idea but it'll be there when she is ready to play with it!
Thanks to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and Rue's PB&J Life for the idea!

My Little Snuggle Bug....

This is the best thing in my life.

I never knew how attached she was to that bunny until she didn’t have it for a few days. Snuggle Bunny, as it has been referred to for the last year, met with an unfortunate accident after Snuggle Bug decided it would be a good idea to take off her diaper when she should have been sleeping. Needless to say I walked in to find her and her crib a mess. But after a few washes Snuggle Bunny is as good as new and Snuggle Bug was very excited to have bunny back! After a few nights without it I found out that a teddy bear was no substitute! Was thit post confusing enough with all the word 'snuggle' referring to more than one thing/person?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Off to see the Wizard!

Today a friend and I decided to take a trip to Oz! Well, the Wizard of Oz Museum to be exact. It is located in a small town about 30 minutes east of here and what a cute town it is! Time to follow the yellow brick road to pictures of our adventure.....

Poppies! Poppies....sleepy......
<----She got bored halfway through and decided she would rather read a book, thats my girl.

<-- Lunch time! This place was right nextdoor and it looked like a good place to stop for some lunch. The people who owned it were super nice and very welcoming.

<--The "Tin Man" black bean burrito...actually wasn't bad.

<-- Got to made sure Snuggle Bug gets her lunch too!

<-- Then we walked a few blocks down so the kids could get some fun playtime at the park. It was such a beautiful day!

At the end of the day we were all pooped from such a fun day of activities! Now it is time for me to follow the yellow brick road to some housework....too bad there is no wizard to make the house clean!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feeling Crafty!

Despite the fact that I do not fancy myself a crafter, I do enjoy making things from time to time when the mood strikes me. It seems the mood has struck me a few times this week!

My first project was a Grocery Bag Organizer, because despite the fact that I own resusable grocery bags I never seem to remember to bring them to the store with me; Thus resulting in a bag surplus that is begging to take over my pantry. The tutorial for this project can be found at

I started with just a normal cleaning wipes container that was empty and I had been saving. I hate throwing things out when I think I could reuse them for something! I grabbed some scrapbook paper and spray adhesive, painted the lid and here we have it:

I think its cute and a good place to keep those bags handy for when I need them.

Then we move onto my other small project, the baby food jar pin cushion! When I saw it at I had to try because it is just too cute! That tutorial can be found at

I would have taken a picture of the fnished product but my camera batteries died and of course I have no batteries in the house...go figure.

I'm also working on a dress for myself and a sun dress for Snuggle Bug when I have the spare time in the evenings. Till I get pictures i'll post the last dress I made for Snuggle Bug....

Its not anything special but I like how it turned out and she looks so cute in it!

Thats it for now, more to come later!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Its Memorial Day….Have you hugged a soldier today? Hehehe….

(I miss hugging mine!)

To many people this is just a three day weekend with BBQ, beer and time with family and friend; just a good kick off to the summer. But don’t forget to take a moment today to remember those who fought and died for our country and thank those who continue to do so.

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"The Doggy Doesn't Want Your Binkie"

That has been a phrase I’ve been repeating for a few weeks now along with other variations such as “No, the doggy does not need your snack” or “don’t feed that to doggy” or the ever popular “No ma’am, we do not lick the doggy back!” Snuggle Bug has developed a quite an affinity for our dogs as she gets older. I’ve noticed since she was extremely little her love of animals in general. She loves going to the zoo or any other place she can look at different animals. She once spent a good deal of time at a friend’s house chasing their cat and giggling about it.

Lucky for me the dogs are handling it well and getting used to her being more hands on with them. But I’m still being the hovering mother trying to make sure she doesn’t upset them too much.

I’ve been spending a little bit more time sewing in the evenings when Snuggle Bug hits the sack. I’m about finished with a dress for me and then I’m going to start working on a few pairs of pants and a new summer dress for her. I’ll post pictures when I get them all done and looking pretty.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Foray Into Computer Literacy

Well, I am currently in the process of cleaning up my laptop after that virus hit it. Unfortunately the virus scan couldn’t rid my laptop of the darn virus so I had no choice but to wipe the entire thing and start again. Last night the hubby walked me through the process and now I’m just running the updates on it. I’ll tell you, I had no idea how computer illiterate I was until I was trying to figure all that stuff out! Luckily the hubby was patient with me which was very much appreciated. I really miss having him around.

On the plus side, I managed to save a lot of pictures and documents I wanted/needed. I really didn’t want to lose the pictures of my little Snuggle Bug, they are very important to me! But it serves me right for not backing up my stuff. I think I’ve learned my lesson.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Trash the Dress Pictures!

Here are a few more pictures from my "Trash the Dress" shoot........