Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Storytime Pillow and a new purse

I have been in quite a creative mood lately! I love when I get into moods like this because I finally complete all those projects I’ve been meaning to finish.

Yesterday Snuggle Bug took an extra long nap so after getting my chore list finished I found myself with some extra time to fill before she woke up and that means time to sew!

One of Snuggle Bug’s favorite books is The Very Hungry Caterpillar so she woke up to a brand new story time pillow.

The night before the hubby went out on a nighttime shoot so I took that quiet evening to myself to attempt to make a purse. I had never done it before so there was a little trial and error but overall I’m happy with the result.

I embellished the front with beads and a bow to hide a flub up on my seam. Hey, at least I’m honest about it!

I’ve got one more project to post about; probably my favorite project in the bunch, but you will have to come back next time for that one!

So whats next? Maybe an apron or something new for Snuggle Bug? Maybe try my hand a smaller version of that purse and see if I can perfect my technique. I love crafting!


  1. I love it! You could have an Etsy shop. :)

  2. That is the cutest pillow.. I bet she loves it.. great job on the purse too!
