Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So, there have been some unexpected and wonderful changes happening in my world lately. School has been keeping be extremely busy, Snuggle Bug is growing up so quickly, I’ve been booking quite a few shoots lately and……..

About two weeksago we found out that we are expecting our second child!

I’m so excited about this unexpected development that I’m hoping to blog through my pregnancy to share and remember these wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful moments.

So I’m thinking about doing a little blog overhaul to get ready for all the fun
things I get to share over the next months. I’ve wanted to so much to find the time to revive my blog. This blog was my saving grace while the hubby was deployed in 2008as I took care of Snuggle Bug all by my lonesome.

It wasn’t so much that I ran out of things to say as much as once we moved to Colorado I had too many things to say! But here we are on yet another journey and I can’t wait talk about it!!


  1. Hey. found your blog through MBC. Really like your blog so I sending you the Liebster award. Check out my blog if you want to continue it on.

