Saturday, July 24, 2010

Well Hello!

Just wanted to drop in and let everyone know that I haven’t abandoned my blog!
There has been so much going on over the last couple of months it has been difficult to find the time to get on and update.

I was accepted to the University of Colorado so I’m excited to say that in a few weeks I’m going to be going back to school fulltime. I’m really excited but a little nervous. Snuggle Bug will be starting at a wonderful daycare center on campus so I’ll be nearby. They have a great curriculum and I think it will be a really wonderful experience for her.

We did our usual trip to San Diego over the 4th and had a wonderful time. Between the aquarium, zoo, setting up and shoot on the 4th and spending time with family and friends it was a very busy week and half!

The hubby has been busy with work as usual and I’ve been doing my homemaking, cooking and crafting.

There is so much more I want to update about but it will have to wait till later. But I promise I’m going to try soon to post regularly. Hopefully some new crafting ideas or new recipes soon!


  1. Congratulations! I was just in COS this past weekend and saw the campus, it's beautiful. Good for you :)

  2. Good luck with school and congratulations! :) This is great news!

  3. Cute Blog! Following from MBC... Would love a follow back!

  4. I know I am a litle late but CONGRATS, how exciting:)
